Lean-Agile MethodologiesOur view is that all of the agile methodologies have good ideas to offer. They all contain useful practices and concepts. We can help you figure out which of these ideas are most useful for your organisation now and at each step along the way.
Flavours of AgileScrumBased on ideas from Lean Thinking, Scrum is actually a framework for guiding the interactions of management and agile teams. Scrum originated in 1993 from the work of Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland. Scrum can be used to control any complex, knowledge-intensive work, not just for software development.
Extreme ProgrammingKnown commonly as just "XP", this methodology contains many specific, proven practices for software developers to produce very high quality software on a predictable time scale. These concepts came from the work of Kent Beck in the late 1990s, and have been evolving since then.
CrystalAlistair Cockburn studied the characteristics of very successful software teams and distilled the key ideas of his Crystal methods from them. These are strongly based on individuals taking responsibility and communicating well, and they scale according to a project's size and its need for formality.
DSDMThe Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) is a public-domain Rapid Application Development method (RAD) which has been developed by capturing the experience of a large consortium of vendor and user organisations. DSDM is an independent framework owned by the DSDM Consortium. The Consortium is a membership organisation, and all Full Members of the Consortium are licensed to use DSDM.
"You're using exactly the right balance of techniques to engage with people here— don't change anything."
― Senior Architect of a software development team coached by Nancy Van Schooenderwoert.
Flavours of AgileScrumBased on ideas from Lean Thinking, Scrum is actually a framework for guiding the interactions of management and agile teams. Scrum originated in 1993 from the work of Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland. Scrum can be used to control any complex, knowledge-intensive work, not just for software development.
Extreme ProgrammingKnown commonly as just "XP", this methodology contains many specific, proven practices for software developers to produce very high quality software on a predictable time scale. These concepts came from the work of Kent Beck in the late 1990s, and have been evolving since then.
CrystalAlistair Cockburn studied the characteristics of very successful software teams and distilled the key ideas of his Crystal methods from them. These are strongly based on individuals taking responsibility and communicating well, and they scale according to a project's size and its need for formality.
DSDMThe Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) is a public-domain Rapid Application Development method (RAD) which has been developed by capturing the experience of a large consortium of vendor and user organisations. DSDM is an independent framework owned by the DSDM Consortium. The Consortium is a membership organisation, and all Full Members of the Consortium are licensed to use DSDM.
"You're using exactly the right balance of techniques to engage with people here— don't change anything."
― Senior Architect of a software development team coached by Nancy Van Schooenderwoert.